Comments on: Einsear T2 Review – Another Cheap Gem Music for the Masses. Sun, 06 Dec 2020 05:56:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: JimToronto Wed, 11 Sep 2019 19:17:41 +0000 Lower mids went missing sometimes with the Einsear T2. Everything else was good, especially for a 1 DD IEM.

By: loomisjohnson Fri, 12 Jul 2019 11:40:01 +0000 a couple of <$20 pieces i really like are the senfer ues (also branded as the nicehck bro) and the wooeasy ie800 (which is also branded as swing ie800)–the latter has more bass

By: Jürgen Kraus Fri, 12 Jul 2019 03:01:49 +0000 The Einsear T2 and The DZAT DF-10 were my first Chifi shipment. Really great stuff.

By: Martha Thu, 11 Jul 2019 00:10:39 +0000 Agree so much with your review. So packed and so Informative. Like you said, less obsessive like me found it hard to spending more money after hear those.

Thought, after saying that I there also some problem with Einsear. The separation is very messy in busy track (too bad I usually listen to music with lot of instruments) . Did you have any recommendations that have Einsear T2 sound with good separation. I really love sound signature, I try bqeyz, kz but I comeback to my einsear t2 anytime.
