Comments on: FiiO FD1 Review – Faster Pussycat Music for the Masses. Mon, 19 Apr 2021 00:58:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jürgen Kraus Tue, 17 Nov 2020 23:36:15 +0000 In reply to Esteban.

FD1…as they sound more natural. Both have quite a bit of punch, so good for outside…

By: Esteban Mon, 16 Nov 2020 06:49:04 +0000 Hello Jürgen!
I’ve read both this and your FH1s reviews and would like to ask you a couple of questions if I may:

I’m in the process of replacing my old and twice soldered (those ridiculous thin cables) Sony MDR EX500LP, which to me sounded like perfection incarnate, very balanced but bassy, crisp highs but not clinical, warm and well defended middles (I’m nowhere near audiophile levels, but I like good sound of course).
So I’ve come across this brand and these two models fit (barely, third world problems!) my budget, and find it somewhat puzzling that the FD1 are bassier with a smaller driver than the FH1s…

I used my EX500 to run and cycle, on lonely nights when you fall asleep to your favorite music, and on long bus trips to another city. Besides loving their sound, I liked that they could sound loud on meager sources (iPods Shuffle and Nano!)…

So, my main question I guess would be, do you think any of these two, and which, would be on the level or an improvement of my old Sonys?

Thank you in advance and best regards!
