New Blog Cosmetics

I changed the blog layout to a single column for reasons of diversification and for visually distinguishing us (a bit) from the plethora of review/promotional blogs.

So what has changed and what will it do?

  1. Each post in the single-column layout has a widescreen frontispiece for economic scrolling.
  2. Each post announcement is accompanied by the executive summary as teaser for quick information (underneath each photo).
  3. Since the single-column format shows fewer posts per screen, the 30 most recent posts are listed in the (right) sidebar for a quick overview.
  4. This format makes the posts less dependent from each other and therefore allows for a wider variety of contributions (music, technical etc.). Which makes us even less dependent from manufacturers/distributors/sellers.

I hope you like it. Suggestions welcome!


  • New Blog Cosmetics 1

    Head-Fier since 2016. He has been known as “Otto Motor” to Head-Fiers, as “Dr. Schweinsgruber” to users and Youtubers, and as “Brause” to Super Best Audio Friends and the Headphone Community. - For the purpose of confusion, he decided to pose under his real name Jürgen Kraus (“JK”) from now on. - This is a hobby. In “real” life, Jürgen is a professional geologist operating his own petroleum-exploration consulting company Franconia Geoscience Ltd. (see ad in the footer) based in Calgary, Canada. He holds German and Canadian passports. Jürgen had a classical music education from childhood through high school in Germany and he has been following popular music developments since the late 1970s. His understanding of arts and crafts was influenced by Bauhaus pragmatism: “less is more” and “form follows function”.

Jürgen Kraus (Calgary, Canada)

Head-Fier since 2016. He has been known as “Otto Motor” to Head-Fiers, as “Dr. Schweinsgruber” to users and Youtubers, and as “Brause” to Super Best Audio Friends and the Headphone Community. - For the purpose of confusion, he decided to pose under his real name Jürgen Kraus (“JK”) from now on. - This is a hobby. In “real” life, Jürgen is a professional geologist operating his own petroleum-exploration consulting company Franconia Geoscience Ltd. (see ad in the footer) based in Calgary, Canada. He holds German and Canadian passports. Jürgen had a classical music education from childhood through high school in Germany and he has been following popular music developments since the late 1970s. His understanding of arts and crafts was influenced by Bauhaus pragmatism: “less is more” and “form follows function”.

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