Comments on: TRN-VX Review (1) – Technical Knockout Music for the Masses. Sat, 23 Oct 2021 20:44:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: loomisjohnson Tue, 21 Jul 2020 12:20:03 +0000 i do like the vx better than the v90, mainly because of its bass quality, but they’re similar in approach and it’s not a huge upgrade–in the same price range i’d opt for the kbear diamond or the bqeyz bq3

By: Marc Heimann Tue, 21 Jul 2020 01:08:07 +0000 Hi there, for about a month now Iuse the V90. Would yoy consider the VX an upgrade over V90? Was kind of disappointed at first, but after using foam tips and T3 cable (also TRN, arrived 2 days later} I’m quite happywith the V90. Only, with some recordings, the heights tend to have a certain sharpness. Would you consider the VX an upgrade?

By: Loomis Johnson Tue, 23 Jun 2020 12:30:44 +0000 In reply to John.

the blon do have a more natural tonality and the zsx are more coherent, but i still rate the vx higher overall. i have not heard the starfield. as for taping/EQ, it’s of course a personal preference–i find the vx to do just fine as-is, without the sharp treble or peakiness of many of its peers.

By: John Tue, 23 Jun 2020 02:03:18 +0000 In a modded state, either with the tape or using an EQ profile, how would you rate these?

Especially in comparison to the KZ ZSX, TRN V90, Blon 03 and/or starfield – which are other options I’m considering or have had. I’m looking to replace my 03s as the shell has apparently failed on the right ear and it is separating in two at the seam.

Would there be any value in doing tape plus EQ tweaking or does that tend to be more either/or.

By: loomisjohnson Mon, 01 Jun 2020 13:24:44 +0000 haven’t heard the p1, which is a $150 planar and may not be a fair comparison. i do prefer the VX to the tin t2, which is more audiophile-accurate, but a bit clinical-sounding.

By: Phil Sat, 30 May 2020 16:45:35 +0000 How does the VX compare to the Tin P1?

By: KopiOkaya Fri, 29 May 2020 10:51:49 +0000 Carlos,
TRN definitely uses 3rd party BAs. A lot of these cheaper BAs don’t fellow specs closely, that’s why you read sound variations from batch to batch, which makes people think they came out with version 2.0. Is there a listen? There is but BAs don’t just work by itself. You will have to put it in a chassis, together with other drivers and crossover to really hear the differences.

By: Loomis Johnson Thu, 28 May 2020 16:40:17 +0000 i don’t know the source of the drivers trn uses (kopi or jurgen would be better informed), so my answer is purely speculative. however, i doubt they’re using knowles drivers, which are well-regarded and pricier than the bellsing or generic drivers that many other chifi makers use.

By: Carlos Thu, 28 May 2020 16:06:12 +0000 “As with the BA5, I suspect that some cost-cutting compromises were made in the selection of the (30095) BA drivers.”

Could you mention what alternatives they could use for better sound quality? Also, where can I find a comparison list or reference of each BA driver in the market?
