KBEAR Lark Review – Lark Ascending
The KBEAR Lark earphone is yet another well-tuned sub-$30 offering with good technicalities and a neutral to slightly warm tonality that works right out of the box.
Read moreProducts up to approximately $100.
The KBEAR Lark earphone is yet another well-tuned sub-$30 offering with good technicalities and a neutral to slightly warm tonality that works right out of the box.
Read moreThe Cat Ear Mia may have some limited appeal to a narrow band of users (treble –averse bassheads?), but the <$15 KZ ZS3, not to mention innumerable TFZ, Tennmak, etc., hit the same target much more effective.
Read moreThe Azla SednaEarfit Original Series silicone tips belong into every earphone enthusiast’s toolbox.
Read moreIn summary, this could be a polarizing earphone. I suspect much of the differently perceived bass and its effects up into the midrange between myself and Jürgen is down to how the tips and bodies fit our different ears.
Read moreThe TRN V90S is a technically impressive earphone (for its category) loosely based on the popular TRN V90, characterized by a V-shaped sound with good dynamics and resolution and slightly unnatural timbre.
Read moreThe TRN V90S is a V-shaped hybrid that does most things well. In fact, it is tuned smoother and not as hot as the average CHIFI multi driver set.
Read moreIt’s normally hard to get excited over a $20 earphone once you start venturing higher in other price brackets, but the TRN STM just got me excited again to hunt down unique and just cool sounding earphones.
Read moreA thorough review of the Moondrop SSP earphone.
Read moreThis review is a shout out to the werewolves who howl at the moon.
Read moreThe <$0.2 Inasmile cable protectors are super low-priced add-on strain reliefs that effectively prevent cable fraying and breakage - and therefore extend cable life. They also help fixing damaged cables such as the notoriously fraying Apple cables.
Read moreThe BL-05S is the second BLON earphone that I can recommend without reservation. It’s earned that medal.
Read moreThe KZ EDX is another V-shaped single dynamic-driver earphone that impresses by its speed, imaging and staging, but offer the classic Chi-Fi (marginally) spicy upper midrange that may be fatiguing for some.
Read moreSome technical photography showing the physical features of the $30 1+1 KBEAR Lark prior to my full review.
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