Our Articles

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Our Gear of the Year 2021 compiled by Jürgen Kraus (2021-12-31)

Our Gear of the Year 2020 compiled by Jürgen Kraus (2020-12-31)

Our Year 2020 in Review by Jürgen Kraus (2020-12-30)

Tempus Fugit – On Short-Lived Hype In Chi-Fi by Jürgen Kraus (2020-03-22)

Corona Is No Beer For Chi-Fi Manufacturers by KopiOkaya (2020-02-24)

The First 10 Months Of Audioreviews.org by Jürgen Kraus (2019-12-31)

Our Earphones Of The Year 2019 compiled by Jürgen Kraus (2019-12-29)

(JK’s) IEM Test Tracks Explained by Jürgen Kraus (updated 2020-04-23)

audioreviews.org technical articles


Tweaking Tips – A Simplified Guide To IEM Silicone Eartips by KopiOkaya (2020-03-24)

The Iconic AZLA SednaEarfit Silicon Tips – Is Their Price Justified? by Jürgen Kraus (2019-12-22)

Announcing The Premium Eartips Project by Jürgen Kraus (2019-10-01)

The Flip Tip: Creating Big Widebore Tips From Reversing Starlines by Slater (2019-09-16)

audioreviews.org technical articles

Sound and Tuning

Nevergiveup In The Belief And Oppoty To LetMusicBurn – The Evolution Of Blon BL-05s (by KopiOkaya (2020-09-23)

Believing in Beryllium – A Sound Belief by KopiOkaya (2020-09-01)

Believe In Driams: The Oppoty To Tune The BLON BL05 by KopiOkaya (2020-02-20)

Chi-Fi Tuning – Why It Sounds So Damn Piercing To Western Ears? by KopiOkya (2020-01-07).

Tuning The KBEAR Diamond – A Killer Earphone Ready To Go! by Jürgen Kraus (2019-11-29)

Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds – The Euphoric Effects Of Carbon-Based Drivers by KopiOkaya (2019-11-27)

audioreviews.org technical articles

Tips And Advice

Quick Tips & Dirty Trips To Score on 11/11 by KopiOkaya (2019-10-23)

How To Clean Headphones Using Simple Household Items by guest author Asim Bashir (2020-08-08)

audioreviews.org technical articles

Behind The Scenes

Why So Cheap – The Story Of Chi-Fi (Part 1) by KopiOkaya (2019-10-07)

Why So Cheap – The Story Of Chi-Fi (Part 2) by KopiOkaya (2019-10-17)

Why So Cheap – The Story Of Chi-Fi (Part 3) by KopiOkaya (2019-10-29)

audioreviews.org technical articles

Technology and Modding

The 1/8 Rule and the Apogee Groove by Jürgen Kraus

Nozzle Mesh Screens and What Happens if You Removed Them by Durwood

Calibrating and Using A DIY Rig for Measuring Frequency Responses by Jürgen Kraus & Biodegraded

Removing Memory Wire From Knowledge Zenith (KZ) Cable by Slater

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    Head-Fier since 2016. He has been known as “Otto Motor” to Head-Fiers, as “Dr. Schweinsgruber” to audiobudget.com users and Youtubers, and as “Brause” to Super Best Audio Friends and the Headphone Community. - For the purpose of confusion, he decided to pose under his real name Jürgen Kraus (“JK”) from now on. - This is a hobby. In “real” life, Jürgen is a professional geologist operating his own petroleum-exploration consulting company Franconia Geoscience Ltd. (see ad in the footer) based in Calgary, Canada. He holds German and Canadian passports. Jürgen had a classical music education from childhood through high school in Germany and he has been following popular music developments since the late 1970s. His understanding of arts and crafts was influenced by Bauhaus pragmatism: “less is more” and “form follows function”.