Apple Airpods Max Review – Mainstream Flagship
Lifestyle photo-shoot or actual real-world use?
Read moreLifestyle photo-shoot or actual real-world use?
Read moreThe Cayin N6ii faces all the trials and tribulations any flagship device faces, and is accursed by the fruitless exercise of chasing perfection.
Read moreThis article describes the effects of nozzle mesh screens in earphones and what happens when they are removed.
Read moreThe Dunu Studio SA6 is a generalist IEM that’s truly special in its overall sonic delivery…
Read moreI can recommend the Reecho Insects Awaken to those who want an all-BA IEM with a slight V-shaped tuning and good imaging.
Read moreIt’s normally hard to get excited over a $20 earphone once you start venturing higher in other price brackets, but the TRN STM just got me excited again to hunt down unique and just cool sounding earphones.
Read moreThe Shuoer Tape distinguishes itself from the morass of price peers with its novel electret/dynamic array, which is ostensibly intended to recreate the quick transients and extended HF of true electrostatics.
Read morehe Anew X-One offer a classic V-shape done well with a robust sound and excellent headroom, staging, resolution, and transparency that provide for a holographic listening experience.
Read moreI understand the need for a good DAC, but it is typically the sum of all parts that determine the quality…
Read moreAll things being equal, I like phones which don’t require accoutrement. However, if you have a suitable amp or DAP, the Rogue are a considerable step up in class and well worth the fare, both aesthetically and sonically. Highly recommended.
Read moreTRI I3 proves that a tri-brid earphone, when done right, can sound magnificent. Once tweaked, I3 owners will be able to ascent their beloved earphone to the next level.
Read moreINTRODUCTION There has been recent discussion about the two Shozy models, Form 1.1 and Form 1.4 – and whether the
Read moreIt is the sum of all parts that came together to produce a great sounding earphone with some atmospheric qualities.
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